C# and SQLite – Inserting Data

In order to insert data into an SQLite database, the SQL ‘Insert’ statement needs to be used. The following example inserts a record into the same ‘person’ table that was used in the example for selecting data.

Inserting data works in a similar fashion as selecting data using parameters. Firstly, a check is made to see if the database file actually exists. If it doesn’t, a message is displayed and execution of the program is halted. If successfully found, a connection to the database is established, then the query parameters are defined as variables, which are bound in to the SQL statement before it is executed and a confirmation message is displayed. The execution of the SQL statement is wrapped in a ‘try-catch-finally’ block to catch any errors that may arise and close the database connection at the end.

// Database.
string database = @"C:\Demo\DemoDB.db";
string password = @"DemoPW";
SqliteConnection connect;

// Check if the database exists.
if (!File.Exists(database))

    // Message confirming incorrect database location.
    Console.WriteLine("Error locating database.");

    // Stop program execution.


// Database connection.
connect = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + database + ";" +
                                "Password=" + password);


    // Connect to database.

catch (Exception e)

    // Message confirming unsuccessful database connection.
    Console.WriteLine("Database connection unsuccessful.");

    // Stop program execution.



    // Query parameters.
    string firstname = "Fiona";
    string lastname = "Jones";
    string title = "Miss";
    string dob = "1985-05-19";

    // Query text incorporated into SQL command.
    var sqlInsert = connect.CreateCommand();
    sqlInsert.CommandText = @"
        INSERT INTO person (firstname, lastname, title, dob) 
        VALUES ($firstname, $lastname, $title, $dob)

    // Bind the parameters to the query.
    sqlInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("$firstname", firstname);
    sqlInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("$lastname", lastname);
    sqlInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("$title", title);
    sqlInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("$dob", dob);

    // Execute SQL.

    // Confirm successful addition of person information.
    Console.WriteLine("Person information added successfully.");

catch (Exception e)

    // Confirm error adding person information and exit.
    Console.WriteLine("Error adding person information.");


    // Close the database connection.


The contents of the ‘person’ table now looks as follows.

id firstname lastname title dob
1 Bob Smith Mr 1980-01-20
2 George Jones Mr 1997-12-15
3 Fred Bloggs Mr 1975-05-07
4 Alan White Mr 1989-03-20
5 Fiona Jones Miss 1985-05-19

Further Resources