CSS Attribute Selectors

CSS Attribute Selectors are used to target HTML elements with a specific attribute or attribute value, for example, target all elements with a 'class' attribute, anchor tags where the 'target' attribute is set to '_blank' or input elements with a 'type' of 'text'.

The following Attribute Selector targets all elements with a 'class' attribute and sets the text colour to red.

[class] {
   color: red;

It is also possible to target, for example, just paragraphs with a 'class' attribute, or indeed any other HTML element.

p[class] {
   color: red;

As well as being able to target elements with a specific attribute, it is also possible to target elements with a specific attribute and attribute value, for example, an anchor tag where the 'target' is set to '_blank' meaning that the link will open up in another tab or window. This example sets the link text to uppercase.

a[target="_blank"] {
   text-transform: uppercase;

The following example targets text input elements only, select or drop-down boxes, text areas and other input elements will not be affected. Here the text colour is set to blue for text input elements.

input[type="text"] {
   color: blue;

As well as being able to target elements that have a particular attribute, which equals a particular value, it is possible to target elements where an attribute value contains, starts with, begins with or ends with a particular value.

The CSS rule below targets HTML elements with a 'title' attribute that contains the text 'CSS' and sets the text colour to red. Note that it won't pick up elements where the value is part of a larger value, it needs to be separated in some way, such as with a hyphen or space.

[title~="CSS"] {
    color: red;

If it is required to match the letters 'CS' in a larger value, such as 'CSS', the '*' symbol can be used.

[title*="CS"] {
   color: red;

To target attributes where the value starts with a particular value, the '|' symbol has to be used. Here the CSS rule targets classes that start with the word 'top'.

[class|="top"] {
    color: red;

Note that this CSS rule would target a class named, for example, 'top-paragraph', but not 'topparagraph'. The value has to be separated somehow, either with a hyphen or underscore, in the case of a class name, or a space with the title attribute.

The above example could be changed to target classes that begin with 'top', where it is part of a larger value, such as 'topparagraph', using the '^' symbol.

[class^="top"] {
    color: red;

Similarly, it is possible to target elements where the value of an attribute ends with a specific value using the '$' symbol. The below example would target classes such as 'paragraphtop'.

[class$="top"] {
   color: red;